Luno - Vendredo: 9: 00 - 19: 00
Growing up we learned about importance of reducing our environmental impact on planet, similar to the Univ's product like mobile monitor trailer. One way we can do this by using solar-powered products. An example is solar light tower. This innovative and safe product provides a multitude of advantages. It is the perfect tool for many applications.
The solar light tower is an eco-friendly solution for outdoor lighting needs, also the sunsekureca unuo built by Univ. It is cost-effective. It is powered by sun. It does not require electricity or fuel to operate. This saves money on energy costs, reducing carbon emissions. Additionally it does not need any maintenance or replacement of batteries. It is a highly practical solution.
The solar light tower meets needs of various industries, similar to the Univ's product like movebla gvatado antaŭfilmo. It uses photovoltaic panels to collect and store energy from sun. This energy powers LED lights for up to twelve hours. This technology makes it an ideal lighting solution for areas where electricity is limited. It is perfect for construction sites. It is useful in emergency response situations and at outdoor events.
Safety is top priority when it comes to outdoor lighting, just like the human tracking surveillance trailer built by Univ. The solar light tower delivers. Its LED lights produce bright white visible light. Even in darkest conditions. This makes it an ideal tool for nighttime work sites. Sports fields and outdoor events also benefit. Additionally, the tower is designed with stability in mind. It is resistant to high winds and other weather conditions.
The solar light tower is versatile, as well as the Univ's movebla lumturo. It is easy to use. Simply position tower in desired location. The photovoltaic panels will begin to collect and store energy from the sun. It is easy to adjust height of light tower. The height ranges from five to twenty-two feet. This makes it possible to use tower for a variety of applications. From illuminating construction sites to lighting up sports fields.
Antaŭfilmoj konformas al la normoj de Eŭropa Unio/Usono/AU estas facile haveblaj. Vi elektas malsamajn potenco-nivelojn kaj kolorojn, same kiel bateriojn kaj eĉ instalas viajn proprajn fotilojn aŭ lampojn. Elektu inter hidraŭlikaj, manaj aŭ elektraj mastoj.
UNIV estas posedanto de pli ol 30 patentoj kaj CE-atestilo. Ni ankaŭ havas teamon pli ol dek du inĝenieroj por provizi ampleksan antaŭvendan servon kaj ankaŭ sekvajn vendajn servojn, kiuj efike povas solvi teknikajn problemojn, kiujn vi alfrontas.
Diversaj kunlaboraj projektoj kiel:Katara Mondpokalo-Stadiono same kiel LumprojektoUsona konstruejo-lumprojektoUS Flughaveno LumprojektoKSA Subĉiela Telecom-ProjektoTelecom-Projekto pri Army of KazakhstanIrako-registara gvatprojekto.
UNIV Power, havas produktadcentron ampleksas 20,000 kvadratajn metrojn. Pli ol 15-jara sperto de fabrikado Niaj produktoj estas tre laŭditaj de klientoj tra diversaj merkatoj, inkluzive de Eŭropo, Nordameriko kaj Aŭstralio.