Mán - fös: 9: 00 - 19: 00
Portable Telescopic Lighting Mast – Your Ultimate Ways to Shine Bright.
Searching for a Portable, easy-to-use, and safe lighting solution? The Portable telescopic lighting mast have you been solution. This lighting technology is established to offer with all the Univ brightness you shall significance of different work.
The Portable telescopic lighting mast has some amazing Univ advantages it the greatest option for any lighting want. Firstly, it is lightweight, rendering it quite simple to push from one venue to some other. Secondly, it really is foldable and telescopic so you could adjust their height to different amount in your rafljósaturn forskriftir.
The Portable telescopic lighting mast is a revolutionary Univ solution comes with unique features. Among those farsíma ljósaturn features is the telescopic pole. This pole runs upwards to offer the height you will need for lighting. Another innovative function their lightweight design, making this simple to go around with.
Safety is a regards Univ problem substantial using lighting solutions. The Portable telescopic lighting mast is created with Solar Mobile Lighting Tower safety in your head. It comes straight down with a great base insures and prevents the mast from tipping over. Furthermore, this has sufficient lighting energy to help keep you safer although working during the night.
The Portable telescopic lighting mast would work for use in several Univ settings. As an example, it really is trusted in construction sites, crisis circumstances, and also yet in outside tasks. It really is furthermore perfect to be used in areas the accepted place an energy provider is maybe tough to have at.
Við getum útvegað ESB/US/AU staðlaða eftirvagna. Veldu úr ýmsum litum, kraftum og rafhlöðum. Þú bætir líka við uppáhalds lömpunum þínum eða myndavélum. Veldu úr handvirkum, vökva- eða rafmöstrum.
UNIV Power er með framleiðsluaðstöðu sem nær yfir meira en 22,000 fermetra. Meira en 15 ára reynslu í framleiðslu, vörur eru víða viðurkenndar fyrir hágæða þeirra af viðskiptavinum um alla Evrópu, Norður Ameríku, Ástralíu, sem og Miðausturlönd.
UNIV hefur meira en 30 einkaleyfi og CE vottorð og allt teymið meira en tólf tæknifræðingar sem geta veitt fullan stuðning fyrir sölu og eftir sölu til að leysa tæknileg vandamál þín.
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