Pon - Pet: 9: 00 - 19: 00
The popularity of solar power in the world of energy is growing too, so it's no wonder that other industries would get excited about powering their operations with this technology. The construction industry distinguishes itself with notably rapid uptake of solar power among these industrial sectors. Over the past decade, this field has experienced extraordinary growth into previously inaccessible territory. The Solarna prikolica na daljinsko upravljanje from Univ are now an essential tool for any person who has to work in such places.
A solar light tower with remote control provides a form of lighting that is sustainable, and eco-friendly. Solar panels harness sunlight to power LED lights on the towers. The električni rasvjetni toranj from Univ not only light the area around you effectively, but also are environmentally friendly by making it optimal to avoid usage of generators or any fossil fuel.
Construction sites are filled with potential hazards and can be especially dark at night during some phases of a project. Project costs can skyrocket when implementing traditional processes such as generators for lighting. Remote control solar light towers are a cost-effective and sustainable way to solve this problem, specifically for construction sites that have no immediate electric grid power source.
One of the main benefits of remote control solar light towers is that they are portable. These veliki svjetlosni toranj from Univ are easy to move from site-to-site which make them perfect for temporary lighting projects. These towers are even adjustable, so users can tailor the light level and area of illumination to their specific needs.
In addition, remote control solar light towers are durable and can resist extreme weather conditions. Modern lifestyle systems are prone to being damaged by cloudy weather, strong winds blowing the system down, intense rain soaking inside and frying your electrical wiring or even bursting into flames as a result.
While picture this scene, you should consider how workers work on sites and in boiling sun; its not a remotely possible task but the introducing of remote control solar light towers doing nothing less than commening miracles at areas where trades are being investigated. In times of natural disasters, fires or accidents wherepower grids have failed leaving areas in Tasmania without power proizvođači solarnih rasvjetnih tornjeva will provide emergency lighting and help response teams operate more efficiently.
Similarly, the majority of remote control solar light towers come with installed CCTV (Closed Circuit Television cameras), making them an even more valuable piece in remains all which are emergency states that require regular surveillance. It is also able to be operated and controlled remotely, giving us insight into a normal scene from any place in the world, even in adverse conditions.
UNIV ima više od 30 patenata i CE certifikat te zapošljava više od dvanaest tehničkih inženjera koji vam mogu pružiti sveobuhvatne pretprodajne i postprodajne usluge za rješavanje vaših tehničkih problema.
Dostupne su prikolice koje zadovoljavaju standarde Europske unije/SAD-a/AU. Birajte između različitih boja, razina snage i baterija. Također instalirate svoje omiljene kamere ili svjetiljke. Također možete birati između hidrauličkih, električnih ili ručnih jarbola.
Različiti projekti suradnje kao što su: Stadion Svjetskog kupa u Kataru, kao i projekt rasvjete, projekt osvjetljenja gradilišta u SAD-u, projekt osvjetljenja zračne luke u SAD-u, vanjski telekomunikacijski projekt u KSA-u, projekt telekomunikacija o projektu nadzora vojske Kazahstana, iračke vlade.
UNIV Power ima proizvodni pogon koji pokriva više od 22,000 četvornih metara. Više od 15 godina iskustva u proizvodnji. Kupci na raznim tržištima, uključujući Europu, Sjevernu Ameriku i Australiju, visoko cijene proizvode.