Пн - пт: 9: 00 - 19: 00
Brighten Up Your Outdoor Adventures with Solar Light Tower 12V.
Are you tired of relying on traditional outdoor lighting that run on fossil fuels? Look no further than Solar Light Tower 12V, just like the Univ's product called мабільны сонечны ахоўны трэйлер. This user-friendly innovation is safe and efficient for any outdoor adventure.
Solar Light Tower 12V is eco-friendly and cost-effective solution to traditional outdoor lighting, similar to the mobile surveillance trailer for Europe supplied by Univ. It harnesses unlimited power of sun to provide energy to its rechargeable battery. It is easy to transport. And it is easy to set up. This makes it the perfect addition to any camping hiking, or outdoor event. You will never have to worry about cost of electricity or refilling fuel tanks with Solar Light Tower 12V.
The innovation of Solar Light Tower 12V lies in its use of renewable energy to create sustainable and long-lasting lighting solution, along with Univ's product вежа камеры відэаназірання. With a durable and waterproof design Solar Light Tower 12V can be used in variety of extreme weather conditions. It can provide up to 12 hours of light on single charge. This gives you ample time to enjoy your outdoor activities.
Safety is top priority when it comes to outdoor lighting, as well as the мабільны прычэп для назірання з генератарам innovated by Univ. Solar Light Tower 12V eliminates use of combustible fuels that can pose fire hazard. This makes it safe option for any outdoor setting. Its bright LED lights can illuminate large areas. This makes it easy to navigate around your campsite. Or hiking trail in dark.
Using Solar Light Tower 12V is simple, same with Univ's асвятляльная вежа на батарэйках. And convenient. The tower can be easily set up. And positioned wherever you need it comes equipped with remote control. This allows you to turn lights on and off. Adjust brightness. And even set timer. You can also charge your electronic devices. Using USB port on the tower.
UNIV валодае больш чым 30 патэнтамі, сертыфікатам CE і наймае больш за 12 інжынераў з тэхнічным вопытам, якія могуць прапанаваць вам комплекснае перадпродажнае і пасляпродажнае абслугоўванне для вырашэння тэхнічных праблем, з якімі вы сутыкаецеся.
Такія праекты супрацоўніцтва, як: Праект асвятлення стадыёна Чэмпіянату свету па футболе ў Катары, Праект будаўніцтва і асвятлення пляцовак у ЗША, Праект асвятлення аэрапорта ЗША, Праект вонкавай сувязі KSA, Тэлекамунікацыйны праект арміі Казахстана, урад Ірака, а таксама праект назірання.
UNIV Power мае вытворчы цэнтр плошчай 20000 квадратных метраў. Больш чым 15-гадовы вопыт вытворчасці прадукты, якія мы вырабляем, высока цэняцца кліентамі на такіх рынках, як Еўропа, Паўночная Амерыка і Аўстралія.
Прычэпы, якія адпавядаюць стандартам Еўрапейскага саюза/ЗША/Аўстралійскага саюза, лёгка даступныя. Выбірайце з розных колераў, узроўняў магутнасці і батарэй. Вы таксама ўсталёўваеце свае любімыя камеры або лямпы. Вы таксама можаце выбраць гідраўлічныя, электрычныя або ручныя мачты.
To use your Solar Light Tower 12V place tower in an area with direct sunlight to charge, along with the Сонечныя святлодыёдныя асвятляльныя вежы на продаж by Univ. Once fully charged, turn on tower using remote control. And adjust brightness and settings to your personal preference When you are finished using the tower. Turn it off and store it in a safe dry place
We are committed to providing quality service to our customers We offer a 2-year warranty on all of our products, the same as Univ's пераносныя асвятляльныя ўстаноўкі і генератары. As well as dedicated customer service team to answer any questions or concerns you may have
We pride ourselves on providing high-quality products that are built to last, identical to трэйлер мабільнага відэаназірання from Univ. Our Solar Light Tower 12V is made with durable materials to withstand any outdoor condition. It is built to provide reliable lighting for years to come.